Consumers will finally be able to see the sweetness levels in Alsace wines. Beginning with the 2021 vintage, all wines from this eastern section of France will note one of four degrees of sweetness:
Dry (sec): sugar content of the wine does not exceed 4 g/l
Medium-Dry (demi-sec): sugar content of the wine is between 4 g/l and 12 g/l
Mellow (moelleux): sugar content of the wine is between 12 g/l and 45 g/l
Sweet (doux): sugar content of the wine exceeds 45 g/l
For centuries consumers have learned by experience what to expect from these wines. While a riesling can be dry, a gewurztraminer can be sweet. Only tasting a wine will reveal to the tongue which is which.
According to a press release, the labeling initiative was originally proposed by the Association of Alsace Wine Growers with support from the CIVA (Conseil Interprofessionnel des Vins d'Alsace or Alsace Wine Board) along with other wine professionals in the region