Tom's blog

Can you share a bottle of wine and drive safely?

Three years ago I used a breathalyzer to determine if it was safe to drive home after sharing a bottle of wine for a dinner out. The post remains the most popular on my web site to this date, which indicates that people continue to seek the same information.

And the answer is still the same: it depends….

First, how well you metabolize alcohol depends on your size and amount of fat. Everyone is different and you need to determine your alcohol tolerance. Using a breathalyzer helps, but even that is no guarantee it is as calibrated as the unit used by the police.

My experiment showed that I had a .44 blood alcohol content — well under my home state’s chargeable limits — after consuming slightly more than a half bottle of wine over a hearty dinner. I took the test about 30 minutes after my last sip.

Second, every state has a variety of charges: drive while intoxicated, driving under the influence and impaired. Some even have zero tolerance, so any alcohol found in the blood will result in a charge. In most of these cases, the police have pulled you over for another reason (accident, missing tail light, rolling through a stop sign, etc.).

I’m not condoning driving and drinking. But neither am I supporting temperance. You can have wine with dinner if you know when to stop drinking.